Saturday, April 6, 2013

I'm just WILD about this theme!

Since January, I have had the pleasure of mentoring and working with a wonderful student teacher.  Ms. D has enormous potential and I have enjoyed getting to work with her.  After working with her, to be ready to take on the class on her own, she was ready to jump in with both feet.  Once I wasn't teaching anymore, it left me thinking... "Now what do I do?"  Ms. D. was doing well on her own and of course I was giving her feedback and support daily, but she didn't need me as much as I wished she did- a mixed blessing to be sure!  I do have a bit of a reputation in my school as being a bit of a control freak particular about how my classroom runs.  Now I know we all have our OCD tendencies, but it's always been hard for me to sit back and allow someone else to work with my kiddos.  I always end up interjecting, not that that's always a bad thing but, some other teachers may view that as threatening, even though I don't intend it to be.  But, I didn't need to interject (often) and I was feeling like I wasn't needed.  

Anyway... back to my reason to post... Once I wasn't teaching full-time I started to get really bored and started daydreaming about all the things that I never get to do because there's just never enough time.  For years, I've looked at pictures many of your blogs with your wonderfully themed rooms.  There's been a little green monster of jealousy lingering on my shoulder, for what seems like forever.  So now that I had this time (no papers to check at night, tests to grade, or lesson plans to write), I had time to plan out my perfect themed room.  I've always had a little wild side, plus I had acquired a few cute store-bought monkey items over the years.  So it just seemed logical to go with a jungle theme.  

I started teaching myself how to make items like the ones on TPT.  I notice my techniques improving with every new item.  Of course I purchased more than a few, too.  Then I started seeing animal print everywhere.  On a recent trip to AC Moore, I found these treasures.  They are storage ottomans.  And here's the best part... I got them for about $5 a piece.... SCORE!  I love sales, plus 25% off coupon and teacher rewards.  Woo Hoo!  

Now I need some ideas... what to do with them and should I go back and try to find some more?  

If you are planning a jungle theme for your room, check out my TPT store.  I'm really making things for myself but figure if I like them, maybe someone else might, too.  So they are available for you to purchase.  I hope you have a great rest of the weekend.  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I love the ottomans! Those would be great to have at a guided reading table! Love your blog. I'm your newest follower. :)

    Recess and Beyond

  2. Looks good Meg!!! Job well done. Have a great week!!

